Keep an eye out for the 2013 KCDOA Board of Directors election ballots, which are scheduled to be mailed out within a few days.
There are 5 members running for the 3 available Director positions: (listed in alphabetical order)
Dustin Alkire
George Benevides
Patrick Boytis
Shawn McDanell
Amanda Weigand
Additionally, Anthony Leal put in for Vice President and will be appointed in lieu of an election as he is running unopposed.
The four positions are effective January 1, 2014 and run through December 31, 2015.
Please make sure to mail your completed ballot (in the provided postage paid return envelope with your signature) promptly so that the association receives it by Wednesday, December 11th. The ballots are scheduled to be counted during the December 12th board meeting at 0800 hours. Remember, UNSIGNED BALLOTS ARE NOT COUNTED. All members are encouraged to attend and participate in the process.