Yesterday, NYPD Officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were murdered in New York City by a coward who invoked race as a motive.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Politicians have spent the months since the tragedy in Ferguson piously wringing their hands and bemoaning the lack of trust of police by the minority community. Mayors and Congressmen and Senators and professional racists from all sides have seized on the moment to advance their often self-serving opinions of what is wrong in America as a hyperventilating media nods knowingly and faithfully reports each and every word. Enough is enough.
While these politicians and their retinues ignore the decaying infrastructure of our cities, the substandard educational system, the nonexistent families, the poor nutrition, the lack of employment opportunities–all of which create a toxic environment which breeds crime–they focus with laser vision on every real or perceived mistake made by the cops fighting a running battle to keep the streets safe for our poorest and most disadvantaged citizens in our country’s worst pockets.
Enough is enough. There’s nothing wrong with the way cops do their jobs that won’t be fixed when politicians suck it up and attack the problems that breed poverty and crime–but they’re not going to do that. The media professes shock when we speak out–well, buckle them on America–you’re going to hear a lot from our 325,000 members in the days and months ahead. Some of you may not like it, but you would do well to listen. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!