As one part of our Chief’s plan to cut costs and reduce overtime, he intends to begin staffing a certain (limited) number of Detentions Bureau posts with civilian personnel instead of sworn Deputies.
KCDOA met with the Chief about his plan on multiple occasions over the last couple of months. During those meetings we agreed with one part of his plan to civilianize 4 positions that do not directly affect facility safety and security. We provided alternative proposals and opposed the additional civilianization components of his plan as it relates to our classification as we contend the affected posts directly affect facility and officer safety and security.
For more specific information on Detentions Deputy posts affected, please ask one of your KCDOA Board Members in person as this relates to facility safety and security and this is a public forum.
At this point, both parties agree that an impasse has been reached and KCDOA has asked for fact finding and/or mediation on the issue.